• Films

Deity of the Midnight World streaming HD
 3.8 stars
Runtime:0 min
Release add: inconnu

'Deity of the Midnight World' is a film that dwells on the awakening of the natural order as a result of global sociological hibernation from the pandemic era. My interests in the film emphasized the cultural imagination and mythos of deity-like forces and guardians in various language groups, who begin to restore the bygone world in the contemporary perpetual world we currently reside in. The narrative revolves around an unknown ecologist humanoid that upon awakening realizes that it is no longer apparent or existing in its normal setting, and it is now subject to what it thinks might be a comatose-like state, awaking in the bygone era of the supercontinent the 'Pangea'. Wishing to document and observe this world, it stumbles upon the mythological/folklore entity mentioned in ancient scriptures discovered by archeologists of the 21st century. Upon documenting the entity, the ecologist grasps on the possibility that this entity is otherworldly, and of a god-like descent.

Credit: Wikipedia (fair use)

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